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Quality control for foods and agricultural products / Jean Louis Multon, ed. ; Denis Dochain, tr.

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: United States of America : Wiley, c1996Descripción: xiv, 286 p. : ilTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 664 Q 1
General principles of practical metrology / J.-L. Multon -- Sampling and statistical control / J.-Y. Malegeant -- Comparison of methods / R. Grappin -- Reliability and maintenance of measurement devices / P. Leroux -- On-Line control and the problems wth sensors / A. Davenel -- Deontology in the choice and use of methods with the objective of obtaining efficient control / J.-P. Wolff -- Data acquisition and computer use in the laboratory / M. Danzart -- Automation of the methods of analysis and of the controls in the laboratory and in the plant / G. Trystram -- The stadardization of the french, european, and international methods of analysis / G. Castan -- The circuits of analysis and the BIPEA example / Cl. Mauze -- The statistical interpretation of the results of the circuits of analysis / J. Trnachefort -- Reference materials in the food industry: a european affair / J.-J. Belliardo, P. J. Wagstaffe -- Quality control and management / R. Faillenet -- Control approach and philosophy in the plants / A. Frouin.
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General principles of practical metrology / J.-L. Multon -- Sampling and statistical control / J.-Y. Malegeant -- Comparison of methods / R. Grappin -- Reliability and maintenance of measurement devices / P. Leroux -- On-Line control and the problems wth sensors / A. Davenel -- Deontology in the choice and use of methods with the objective of obtaining efficient control / J.-P. Wolff -- Data acquisition and computer use in the laboratory / M. Danzart -- Automation of the methods of analysis and of the controls in the laboratory and in the plant / G. Trystram -- The stadardization of the french, european, and international methods of analysis / G. Castan -- The circuits of analysis and the BIPEA example / Cl. Mauze -- The statistical interpretation of the results of the circuits of analysis / J. Trnachefort -- Reference materials in the food industry: a european affair / J.-J. Belliardo, P. J. Wagstaffe -- Quality control and management / R. Faillenet -- Control approach and philosophy in the plants / A. Frouin.

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