Handbook of food engineering practice /
Handbook of food engineering practice /
edited by Kenneth J. Valentas, Enrique Rotstein, R. Paul Singh.
- Boca Ratón : CRC Press c1997
- 718 p. : il., fórmulas.
Pipeline design calculations for newtonian and non-newtonian fluids / James F. Steffe and R. Paul Singh -- Sterilization Process Engineering / Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy and R. Paul Singh -- Prediction of freezing time and design of food freezers / Donald J. Cleland and Kenneth J. Valentas -- Design and performance evaluation of dryers / Guillermo H. Crapiste and Enrique Rotstein -- Design and performance evaluation of membrane systems / Jatal D. Mannapperuma -- Design and performance evaluation of evaporation / Chin Shu Chen and Ernesto Hernandez -- Material and energy balances / Brian E. Farkas and Daniel F. Farkas -- Food packaging materials, barrier properties, and selection / Ruben J. Hernandez -- Kinetics of food deterioration and shelf-life prediction / Petros S. Taoukis, Theodore P. Labuza, and I. Sam Saguy -- Temperature tolerance of foods during distribution / John Henry Wells and R. Paul Singh.
Tecnología de alimentos
Alimentos congelados
Envasado de alimentos
Procesamiento de alimentos
Deterioro de alimentos
664 / H 21 handb
Pipeline design calculations for newtonian and non-newtonian fluids / James F. Steffe and R. Paul Singh -- Sterilization Process Engineering / Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy and R. Paul Singh -- Prediction of freezing time and design of food freezers / Donald J. Cleland and Kenneth J. Valentas -- Design and performance evaluation of dryers / Guillermo H. Crapiste and Enrique Rotstein -- Design and performance evaluation of membrane systems / Jatal D. Mannapperuma -- Design and performance evaluation of evaporation / Chin Shu Chen and Ernesto Hernandez -- Material and energy balances / Brian E. Farkas and Daniel F. Farkas -- Food packaging materials, barrier properties, and selection / Ruben J. Hernandez -- Kinetics of food deterioration and shelf-life prediction / Petros S. Taoukis, Theodore P. Labuza, and I. Sam Saguy -- Temperature tolerance of foods during distribution / John Henry Wells and R. Paul Singh.
Tecnología de alimentos
Alimentos congelados
Envasado de alimentos
Procesamiento de alimentos
Deterioro de alimentos
664 / H 21 handb