Chemical and functional properties of food saccharides /

Chemical and functional properties of food saccharides / Piotr Tomasik, ed. - Boca Ratón : CRC Press, c2004 - 426 p. - Chemical and functional properties of food components . - Chemical and functional properties of food components .

Saccharides and polysaccharides : an introduction / Piotr Tomasik -- Structure and reactivity of saccharides / Wieslaw Szeja -- Saccharides: modifications and applications / Ya-Jane Wang -- Production of saccharides / Jan Grabka -- Saccharide sweeteners and the theory of sweetness / Wladyslaw Pitrzycki -- Honey / Helena Rybak-Chmielewska -- Starch: structure and properties / Jay-lin Jane -- Starch world markets and isolation of starch / Wolfgang Bergthaller -- Chemical modifications of polysaccharides / Piotr Tomasik -- Enzymatic conversions of carbohydrates / Stanislaw Bielecki -- Role of saccharides in texturization and functional properties of foodstuffs / Vivian M. F. Lai and Cheng-yi Lii -- Pectic polysaccharides / Alistair J. MacDougall and Stephen G. Ring -- Fructans: occurrence and application in food / Werner Praznik, Eva Cieslik and Anton Huber -- Structure-property relationships in Chitosan / Aslak Einbu and Kjell M. Varum -- Plant and algal gums and mucilages / Lawrence Ramsden -- Carbohydrates of animal tissues / Tadeusz Kotczak -- Cyclodextrins / Jószsef Szejtli -- Chemistry of the Maillard reaction in foods / Tomas Davidek and Jiri Davidek -- Nonnutritional applications of saccharides and polysaccharides / Piotr Tomasik -- Carbohydrates: nutritional value and health problems / Przemyslaw Jan Tomasik -- Glucose - Our lasting source of energy / Heinz Th. K. Ruck -- Analysis of molecular characteristics of starch polysaccharides / Anton Huber and Werner Praznik -- Spectroscopy of polysaccharides / Jeroen J. G. van Soest -- Natural and synthetic nonsaccharide sweeteners / Michael Uher.


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