Pile, John

A history of interior design / - London : Laurence King Publishing, 2009 - 480 p.: il. + 1 CD-ROM

Prehistory to early civilizations -- Classical civilizations: Greece and Rome -- Early christian, byzantine and romanesque -- Early medieval: the dark ages, the romanesque style -- Islamic and Asian traditions .. The later middle ages -- The reissance in Italy -- Barroque and Rococo in Italy and north Europe -- Renaissance, barroque and rococo in France and Spain -- Renaissance to Georgian in the low countries and England -- Colonial and Federal America -- The regency, revivals and industrial revolution -- The victorian era -- The aesthetic movements -- Art Nouveau and the Vienna secession -- Eclecticism -- The emergence of modernism -- Art Decó and industrial design -- The spread of early modernism in Europe -- Modernism in America -- The ascendancy of modernism -- Contemporary design .


720|CD / P 522|509