Wto seminar on tourism and air transport. - Madrid : World Tourism Organization, 2000. - 146 p. : il.

Official opening / João Carlos Nunes Abreu y Dawid J. de Villiers -- Structural changes in the market for air transport and the impact on tourism / Péter Keller -- Major challenges for global air transport in the 21st century / Mohamed Elamiri -- Intedependence of tourism development and air transport in Europe / François Vellas -- Liberalization of air transport in the European Union and consequences for tourism / Alexandra Subremon -- The experience of airline privatization in transnational economies and tourism growth / Péter Kraft -- The importance of air transport for island destinations / José Bernardo de Lemos -- Operational problems of air transport and their repercussions for tourism / Péter Keller -- How low cost airlines have affected the aviation industry / Tony Camacho -- Future prospects for charter flights and tour operators / Wolfgang Dreher -- Overcrowded skies and airports: what are the prospects for rail compared with short-haul flights? / Guy Hoedts -- The air transport policy and strategy of the European Union / Joahim Marinho de Bastos -- Conclusions / François Vellas.

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