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A history of interior design /

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: London : Laurence King Publishing, 2009Descripción: 480 p.: il. + 1 CD-ROMTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 720|CD P 522|509
Prehistory to early civilizations -- Classical civilizations: Greece and Rome -- Early christian, byzantine and romanesque -- Early medieval: the dark ages, the romanesque style -- Islamic and Asian traditions .. The later middle ages -- The reissance in Italy -- Barroque and Rococo in Italy and north Europe -- Renaissance, barroque and rococo in France and Spain -- Renaissance to Georgian in the low countries and England -- Colonial and Federal America -- The regency, revivals and industrial revolution -- The victorian era -- The aesthetic movements -- Art Nouveau and the Vienna secession -- Eclecticism -- The emergence of modernism -- Art Decó and industrial design -- The spread of early modernism in Europe -- Modernism in America -- The ascendancy of modernism -- Contemporary design .
Etiquetas de esta biblioteca: No hay etiquetas de esta biblioteca para este título.
Tipo de ítem Biblioteca actual Biblioteca de origen Colección Signatura topográfica Copia número Estado Fecha de vencimiento Código de barras Reserva de ítems
Libro : Préstamo diario y de fin de semana Libro : Préstamo diario y de fin de semana Biblioteca Puiggrós Biblioteca Puiggrós Colección General 720 P 522 ej. 1 (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) 1 Disponible 026023
CD CD Biblioteca Puiggrós Biblioteca Puiggrós Colección General CD 509 ej. 1 (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) 1 Disponible 026051
Total de reservas: 0

Prehistory to early civilizations -- Classical civilizations: Greece and Rome -- Early christian, byzantine and romanesque -- Early medieval: the dark ages, the romanesque style -- Islamic and Asian traditions .. The later middle ages -- The reissance in Italy -- Barroque and Rococo in Italy and north Europe -- Renaissance, barroque and rococo in France and Spain -- Renaissance to Georgian in the low countries and England -- Colonial and Federal America -- The regency, revivals and industrial revolution -- The victorian era -- The aesthetic movements -- Art Nouveau and the Vienna secession -- Eclecticism -- The emergence of modernism -- Art Decó and industrial design -- The spread of early modernism in Europe -- Modernism in America -- The ascendancy of modernism -- Contemporary design .

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