Ideas and foreign policy :
Ideas and foreign policy : beliefs, institutions, and political change /
edited by Judith Goldstein and Robert O. Keohane.
- London : Cornell Univesity Press, 1993
- x, 308 p.
- Cornell studies in political economy .
- .
Index: p. 297-308
Ideas and foreign policy : an analytical framework / Judith Goldstein and Robert O. Keohane -- Ideas and the social sciences / John A. Hall -- Creating yesterday's new world order : Keynesian 'new thinking' and the Anglo-American postwar settlement / G. John Ikenberry -- Creating socialist economies : Stalinist political economy and the impact of ideas / Nina P. Halpen -- The weight of ideas in decolonization : normative change in international relations / Robert H. Jackson -- The power of principled ideas : human rights policies in the United States and Western Europe / Kathryn Sikkink -- Ideas, interests, and institutions : constructing the European community's internal market / Geoffrey Garrett and Barry R. Weingast -- Structure and ideology : change in parliament in early Stuart England / John Ferejohn -- Westphalia and all that / Stephen D. Krasner -- Coping with terrorism : norms and internal security in Germany and Japan / Peter J. Katzenstein
Relaciones internacionales
327 / I 27
Index: p. 297-308
Ideas and foreign policy : an analytical framework / Judith Goldstein and Robert O. Keohane -- Ideas and the social sciences / John A. Hall -- Creating yesterday's new world order : Keynesian 'new thinking' and the Anglo-American postwar settlement / G. John Ikenberry -- Creating socialist economies : Stalinist political economy and the impact of ideas / Nina P. Halpen -- The weight of ideas in decolonization : normative change in international relations / Robert H. Jackson -- The power of principled ideas : human rights policies in the United States and Western Europe / Kathryn Sikkink -- Ideas, interests, and institutions : constructing the European community's internal market / Geoffrey Garrett and Barry R. Weingast -- Structure and ideology : change in parliament in early Stuart England / John Ferejohn -- Westphalia and all that / Stephen D. Krasner -- Coping with terrorism : norms and internal security in Germany and Japan / Peter J. Katzenstein
Relaciones internacionales
327 / I 27